Our Play It Green Partnership

Here at Manchester Central, sustainability is core to our business objectives.

As we take greater steps towards realising our ambitions, we have partnered with Play it Green โ€“ an initiative to rebalance our staff carbon footprint, establishing a Climate Positive Workforce.  

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Our core team is made up of 125 staff members and, as part of the initiative, Play it Green will plant 13 trees every month for each staff member.

This will amount to 19,500 trees planted every year to offset our teamsโ€™ collective carbon footprint, in turn, making a positive environmental and social impact through a reduce, repair and re give approach. Play it Green also donate 10% of the membership fee to Manchester Centralโ€™s chosen charity of the year, St Anneโ€™s Hospice.  

As part of our Play it Green membership, all staff also receive weekly footprint reduction tips and discounts to reward, educate and strengthen the positive sustainability culture within the business.  

Find out more

If youโ€™d like to learn more about the Play it Green initiative and how you can get involved, please contact Lauren Hudson, our Sustainability Advisor.

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